Container Recycling

Plastic soft drink bottles, soft drink and alcohol drink cans, glass bottles and boxes are collected and recycled for the associated container deposit refund.
Lions Cakes and Mints

The Club sells Lions Cakes, Puddings, Slices and Mints as a fund-raising activity throughout the year. In the lead-up to Christmas cakes and puddings are sold at the Canberra Outlet Centre in Fyshwick.
Sausage Sizzles

The Club conducts a regular fund-raising BBQ at Queanbeyan Woolworths on behalf of the Queanbeyan Hospital Auxiliary. BBQs at Fyshwick Bunnings and other locations are held to fund other Canberra City projects.
Magic Show

This is our major fundraising activity. The Lions Club of Canberra City sponsors the “World Festival of Magic”, a family-oriented show, featuring magician Jonas Jost, with 90 minutes of magic that will amaze you. In 2023 there were 5 shows: Saturday 18 November with 3 shows commencing at 11:00 am; 1:00 pm, and 4:30 pm; and Sunday 19 November with 2 shows commencing at 11:00 am and 1:00 pm. The show will be held at the Queanbeyan Performing Arts Centre.
Local businesses, industries, and individuals purchase tickets for the shows and donate them to disadvantaged families and disabled children. All surplus funds are used to fund the Club’s services and donations to charities in our local, regional, and international communities.
The Club would like to thank IE Performance, Andre and Katherine Luca, and the generous locals who help to sponsor this event.